Measurement technology forms the backbone of many technological advances and applications in various industries. From basic research to industrial production, the precise measurement of physical quantities plays a central role. Here are some basic concepts and techniques of metrology that are relevant to a better understanding of this important discipline.
Laser sources are essential tools in precision vibration measurement, particularly in the development of advanced laser Doppler vibrometers (LDVs) for a variety of applications. The type of laser source used significantly influences the accuracy and efficiency of these measurements.
A laser vibrometer is a sophisticated measuring device for the non-contact measurement of mechanical vibrations. By using laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV), it provides accurate measurements of frequencies and amplitudes of object vibrations.
Vibration measurement is a central technique in modern measurement technology that enables engineers to precisely record and analyze mechanical vibrations. This method plays a crucial role in the monitoring, vibration analysis, and maintenance of machines and structures in various industries.
The Doppler Effect, a fascinating phenomenon that has revolutionized our understanding of wave motion, influences many aspects of modern science and technology.
Signal processing involves the analysis and modification of signals to extract useful information in various applications.