Knowledge & technology - All about the laser vibrometer

We will provide you with comprehensive information and in-depth insights into the fascinating world of laser vibrometers. Our content is designed to expand your knowledge of these high-precision measuring devices and give you a deep understanding of the various aspects of this technology.

Basics and measurement technology

The basics and measurement technology form the foundation of our topics. Here you will learn everything you need to know about the principles on which laser vibrometers are based and the methods they use to perform precise vibration measurements. You will learn about the physical laws on which this technology is based and gain an insight into the various measurement techniques that are used.

Discover the world of laser vibrometers and expand your knowledge of this fascinating technology. Our articles provide you with both basic information and in-depth insights into advanced topics so that you are well informed and understand the many possible applications of laser vibrometry.

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Analysis and calculation

Analyzing and calculating the measured data is an essential part of vibration measurement. We will show you how the acquired signals are analyzed and interpreted to gain detailed insights into the vibration behavior of objects. Learn about the different analysis methods used in laser vibrometry and understand how they can help improve products and processes.

Specific technologies and methods

Our content on specific technologies and methods offers you a deep insight into the latest developments and innovative approaches in laser vibrometry. Discover how modern technologies such as laser Doppler vibrometry and interferometry are used to enable high-precision measurements. We explain the benefits and applications of these technologies in various industries.

Physical concepts and basics

To fully understand how laser vibrometers work, it is important to know the underlying physical concepts and principles. In this section, we provide you with a sound understanding of the physical principles underlying laser vibrometry. From the basics of wave theory to complex interference effects, we explain the physical processes that make this technology so accurate and reliable.

Devices & sensors

In this section, we present the various devices and sensors used in laser vibrometry. From simple single-point laser vibrometers to complex scanning systems - we explain the functions, areas of application and special features of the various devices. You will learn how the choice of the right sensor can influence measurement accuracy and efficiency.